Wow what an experience. Covering four roles in the Los Angeles premiere of Women of Brewster Place the musical was quite a challenge. Learning four different character arcs, with their own solo songs different harmony parts, different choreography and being ready at a drop of a hat to go on. I went on as Tee twice and Kiswana Brown twice, two completely different women and I enjoyed every minute of it. My first time on I had 10 days to prepare for the part but with the help of the choreographer and assistant director I pulled it off and surprised myself. When faced with a challenge the important thing I learned is to breathe and realize that this is what i do and I can do it. As soon as I hit the stage it all flowed through me and I felt like I was on fire. The Cast of Ladies were wonderful and helped along the way. So many talented ladies in one space and not one diva attitude in the building. It was a big family and I hope to work with all the ladies again. I love the stage!
The West Coast Premiered of Women OF Brewster Place played at Celebration Theater on Santa Monica Blvd.
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